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Do you care about what people say about you?



Mar 4, 2024
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There was a time when I was always worried about what people had to say about me or what the my would say if I made certain choices or decisions. Later I came to realize that you can never really please anyone. It's best you do what makes you happy, as long as it's the right thing.
For many years, I left the habit of pleasing everyone. I don't care what others say about me. I know many of my friends who get stressed when they hear what others are saying about them. I don't know why they are so concerned about it.
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I don't care about what people will say about me because regarding to this issue I never have the habit of praising everyone as long as I haven't hurt you in any way because people will never be satisfied no matter how hard you try
I also feel stressed due to it because we are living in a society where we do get bothered because of these things
I don't know why, but for as long as I can remember, I've never worried about it. My mother always told me to do as she says because otherwise people might think badly of me and she was always worried about that. I am glad that I was never interested in the opinion of others about me and my actions
For me l won't really care Anything about what people say about me. The reason being l have so much things to look at rather than spending my time on matters that wouldn't help me at all in the truth of the matter for sure.
I never care what people say as long as they will not cross the red line because I am always ready to fight them in court. I already sent someone to jail because defaming me which it never happened in my life, so the guy was jailed for 3 years and had to pay me $ 6,000 for moral damages.
I also feel stressed due to it because we are living in a society where we do get bothered because of these things

You will always stress yourself out if you worry about what others will say. It's better to neglect them to some extent. You will see that you will find peace in your life. Most people have this habit like you and find it hard to change themselves, but sooner or later they have to change to find peace in their lives.
You will always stress yourself out if you worry about what others will say. It's better to neglect them to some extent. You will see that you will find peace in your life. Most people have this habit like you and find it hard to change themselves, but sooner or later they have to change to find peace in their lives.
Thanks I need to change myself for this because I start feeling worried at small things and that makes me feel depressed.
I don't care about anyone. The only thing that I care about is to satisfy my conscience. No one is feeding me. As far as I am not doing anything illegal, the person that likes me would be pleased with me.