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Do you believe in miracles?



Mar 4, 2024
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There are so many people out there who when faced with this question, would tell you no. For me I strongly believe miracles do exist. There certain things beyond our human understanding that we just can't explain or understand. Do you believe in miracles?
I believe in miracles, but in my opinion a better name for this is timing. Something happens so unexpectedly or even very expected that we can't believe that it is reality, that's why they call it a miracle, but in my opinion it's just a coincidence of many events that have become beneficial and so necessary for us
Yes I do believed in miracles because at there were so many other thing's beyond our human understanding that happen reality but others tend to under estimate it but I believed on it because it's really exits
I actually do believe in miracles. Just that so many so called pastors are using the miracle thing to consider people and defraud them. There are genuine miracles though and they still happen.
Yes I believe on miracles but they happen very rarely. When everything fails then we expect a miracle to happen and sometimes it happens.
Yes, of course, I believe in miracles I have been a recipient of God's 'miracles many times, and only God and I know. Just pray so hard by heart and if possible, when you pray, cry. When I pray, I cry and imagine the face of God. Amen.