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Do you believe in divorce?

King Belieal


Mar 4, 2024
Reaction score
I am one person that believes that people should not live in marriage like it is a cross they are condemned to carry for the rest of their lives. If it doesn't work, they should divorce and go their separate ways. No one deserves to be unhappy. Do you believe in divorce?
Yes, I believe in it, and if someone is not happy with the marriage, then he or she should have the right to make himself/herself free from the bond. I don't think one should be forced to live with a person even if he/she is not happy.
I completely understand why most people go for a divorce, and I don't judge them for it but it doesn't mean I have to believe in it. This is one of the reasons why I do not want to rush into any kind of relationship. I need to be sure before I go into it.