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Gaming Do you believe gaming can be educational?



Mar 4, 2024
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When we hear the world game, the first thing that comes to mind would be for entertainment purposes or just for pleasure. Gaming can still be used for educational purposes. Let's take real time strategy games for example, it has help some students in improving their ability to think and reason faster, then again there several games I have played in the past that helped in teaching me how to spell and so on.
Games can absolutely be educational. They make educational games for children and have been making them for decades now. I remember seeing the Oregon Trail games when I was a kid as well as Math Blaster. Sega actually started making a new educational console in Japan, they used to have this console call the Pico that came out in the 1990's and lasted for years.
Yes I remember when growing up I played a lot of educational games.
I am a therapist and special educator. I use a lot of educational activities and games in my sessions. They are therapeutic and allow learning in a very fun way.
Video games are a easier way to learn, and I've learned skills from playing video games like eye coordination.
I have my nieces and nephews that are good in educational games. Gaming can be educational and I believe that. It helps them to think critically and to reason so fast. I have also played educational games especially word cookies which help my brain to think and reason fast and also spell correctly.
We have many educational games that improve our memory, cognitive skills, language skill and perception skills. These are educational ones. Some can be played with more than one player improving our social skills too.
Well, of course. There are many games that are based on real stories and they actually portray that through cutscenes. Some games (mostly for kids) are made for educational purposes, such as studying math, English or any other subject. Modern technology helps in many ways to teach kids.