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Do you accept your criticism easily?



Apr 30, 2024
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It is hard for anyone to accept criticism. We are all human beings, and we are all sensitive. We all have pride, and whatever we do, we think we have done exceptionally well, but that's not the case. Whatever we think may not be reality.We must take them as a scope for improvement in ourselves.
Not all criticism is real; sometimes it comes to us as a personal attack, and we may not be able to handle it.
Then what should we do? For me, I always ignore it; however, it is hard to do that. I don't have any other strategy to handle them.
What is your strategy to handle criticism?
I never received even one day of respect from my so called "parents". Because of this I have an explosive temper and can happily become violent when disrespected by other males. With females I just get even to the point where I have gotten them fired from their jobs, or evicted from where they were living, or caused a breakup in their relationships.

I am not a man to be trifled with. Do yourself a favor and go and criticize someone else. :devilish:
I never received even one day of respect from my so called "parents". Because of this I have an explosive temper and can happily become violent when disrespected by other males. With females I just get even to the point where I have gotten them fired from their jobs, or evicted from where they were living, or caused a breakup in their relationships.

I am not a man to be trifled with. Do yourself a favor and go and criticize someone else. :devilish:

That's what most people do and feel when they're criticized for their work. We need to be patient enough and should analyze within ourselves; it is not necessary that every time you may be right.
I can handle constructive criticism very well. I mostly assume that those giving it have my best interest at heart and want me to improve. But when we are talking about unwarranted criticism, I just look away, it is not worth my precious time.
It depends who is criticising me and what kind of criticism is it. If it is from the person more experienced and more knowledgeable than me I will appreciate that. If it is constructive criticism I will also accept that
That's fine...we must try to improve ourself by paying attention towards the constructive criticism.
It depends who is criticising me and what kind of criticism is it. If it is from the person more experienced and more knowledgeable than me I will appreciate that. If it is constructive criticism I will also accept that
Exactly, constructive criticism are always welcome for me.
If I should be honest, there are times I easily accept this and then there are days I am not really in the mode to hear anyone tell me about my faults and the likes.
If I should be honest, there are times I easily accept this and then there are days I am not really in the mode to hear anyone tell me about my faults and the likes.

That's the problem; no one likes to listen to his or her fault. Whereas that should not be the case. We should listen to everyone, and whatever we think, we have to change. It's true that not everyone is right, but let them speak what they have in mind.
True, at the same time how we are told still matters. There are times you might not be mentally ready or in the mode to listen, then there are times where whoever is saying it do not phrase them well.
That's the problem; no one likes to listen to his or her fault. Whereas that should not be the case. We should listen to everyone, and whatever we think, we have to change. It's true that not everyone is right, but let them speak what they have in mind.
True, at the same time how we are told still matters. There are times you might not be mentally ready or in the mode to listen, then there are times where whoever is saying it do not phrase them well.

I agree it totally depends on your mood. If you're not in a good mood them you won't listen to the person even if he or she is praising you.
I agree it totally depends on your mood. If you're not in a good mood them you won't listen to the person even if he or she is praising you.
That means it one is happy he might listen to criticism better? I think it majorly depends on how the criticism is tendered.
It depends on the situation and also from whom it's coming. It's not easy to accept criticism. But it is important to accept it and work on it for our self improvement. I have learnt to accept constructive criticism. But I can sense when it's coming from personal space as a personal attack . I will just ignore it.
That means it one is happy he might listen to criticism better? I think it majorly depends on how the criticism is tendered.
Yes it mainly depends on how the criticism is being carried out and no one can actually be happy receiving it. Just that there are times where you might be more willing to listen to others.
Yes it mainly depends on how the criticism is being carried out and no one can actually be happy receiving it. Just that there are times where you might be more willing to listen to others.
Well you're correct. Sometimes I will not even be in the mood to listen to the opinions of anyone, whether it is criticism or not.
I can sense from what space it is coming. If it's coming out of jealousy, superiority complex, anger or just to show one down, I turn a deaf ear and develop thick cuticle for it. If it's coming from a positive space, I have all ears for it and I will work to improve it.
When you criticize me constructively without attacking me, it is very easy for me to accept it. But when you are hostile with your criticism, you have lost me.
While we should accept, learn, and move on but most of the time I start feeling bad and irritated if someone criticize me
There is nothing to feel bad for it because it's nature of people do criticize others. I just ignore people who criticize me for their entertainment.
If people are criticising you for your entertainment, it is not criticism. It is actually bullying and it's good to ignore them if it's within a limit. Else you have to give them back in the language that might make sense to them.
Our superiors have to give feedback in our work places. It will come with some criticism and area of improvement. We have to take it positively and work on it. It's for our own growth. But if you are not happy with it and feel that it's not correct, you can always have a healthy argument with your superior there and put your points in a very professional way.