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Do extraverts report having more dreams than introverts? If so or if not, do extraverts report dreams as being more meaningful than introverts?



Mar 28, 2024
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Research suggests that extraverts tend to report having more dreams than introverts, and also perceive their dreams as more vivid and memorable. Additionally, extraverts are more likely to report that their dreams are more meaningful and impactful, possibly due to their tendency to be more socially engaged and emotionally expressive. This may indicate that extraverts are more attuned to their subconscious mind and more likely to explore and analyze their dreams, leading to a greater sense of significance and personal insight.
I don't believe this though, dreams could be meaningful or not to an extrovert or an introvert. It all depends on the person, their beliefs and how they take things.
Research suggests that extraverts tend to report having more dreams than introverts, and also perceive their dreams as more vivid and memorable. Additionally, extraverts are more likely to report that their dreams are more meaningful and impactful, possibly due to their tendency to be more socially engaged and emotionally expressive. This may indicate that extraverts are more attuned to their subconscious mind and more likely to explore and analyze their dreams, leading to a greater sense of significance and personal insight.
I haven't heard of that one before
But I believe it's might be true
Dreams are dreams and it does not matter if you are an introvert or extrovert
I never heard of my such research. I don't feel that dreams are dependent on someone's nature. It's same for all.