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Did you have lice when you were a child?



Mar 18, 2024
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Did you have lice when you were a child? Being a child, care free and never care where we are under the raging sun or getting wet in the rain. That was me when I was a child. I like to play under the heat of the sun and my sister were angry afraid that I might get sick but what they failed to notice was the lice of my head. My elder sister only realized that I have lice when she saw me scratching my head many tines. She was annoyed seeing me that way. So she checked my hair and there she shouted that I have lice. She brought me to the bathrooms and shampooed my hair with lice shampoo. I saw on the floor of the bathroom lice dropped. I no longer scratched my head after that. I also did not play under the heat of the sun.
I never had lice as a child. That was because my parents really took care of my hair properly. I was never allowed to play with sand close to my head. Many kids around me had lice but I never did.
Only girls usually have lice. It's so disgusting having lice. But as a kid shame is not on their vocabulary. What they are after is play with peers having lice too. That's how lice spread from one head to another. But once kids grow mature they can take care of themselves.
No I never encountered that and my parents were quite concerned about my health and I mostly used to play at home and in park under my mom's supervision
Not that I can remember, but from what I remember, I do not have any issues with lice since growing up.
The little girls who always play under the heat of the sun are mostly contaminated with lice. When I was 6 years old I got lice contaminated from my playmates who were having lice. Their parents never cared to shampoo their kids with a shampoo for lice thus many were contaminated including me lol.