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Did you have in the past a suicidal thought?



Mar 18, 2024
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Humans as we are vulnerable and weak. Instead of finding solutions to the problems, they opt to commit suicide. Some do not want a mental and emotional struggle. They want to end their suffering with the wrong solution which is killing the self. I cannot blame them. I experienced it when I was down because of betrayal. I saw my ex with another girl and he confirmed on my face that he has another girlfriend. As if I saw nothing after his confession and never said sorry to me. I thought of ending my life instantly by jumping on a high bridge with a shallow river. I was about to jump when I realized that beside the bridge was the church where I used to attend Sunday masses. I was awakened from that suicidal thought and went home. I burned all the gifts that my ex gave me. I know karma is digital and after some months I learned that his new gf has a child from an unknown boyfriend. KARMA IS REAL.
I have thoughts like that many years back but I feel only those commit suicide that does not have faith in God/Guru/Parmatama/ Rabb/ Bhagwaan/ Narayan
I have never thought about commiting suicide before. There where times when things became so hard that I found it hard to keep up but I always looked for a reason to keep pushing.
Actually I feel you pain and you are right but no matter things turn over to me I have never taught of committing suicide but I suggest those that commit suicide have short experience in life
I don't think I had any serious thoughts about it. I was just thinking about how events could turn out after such an act, but I didn't plan to do it and I don't think I would have dared. There is a way out of any situation
I have thoughts like that many years back but I feel only those commit suicide that does not have faith in God/Guru/Parmatama/ Rabb/ Bhagwaan/ Narayan
It's an immortal sin but our minds our clouded with too much pain, an injury that sucks our flesh and bones. But with our faith in God is where we regained strength. And @eLdavis , thankful you you were not outsmarted by your problem. Let us always pray so hard.
It's an immortal sin but our minds our clouded with too much pain, an injury that sucks our flesh and bones. But with our faith in God is where we regained strength. And @eLdavis , thankful you you were not outsmarted by your problem. Let us always pray so hard.
I used to felt bad sometimes I used to plan for suicide but then there was something some inner thing that always made me calm and do well
I used to felt bad sometimes I used to plan for suicide but then there was something some inner thing that always made me calm and do well
Stay away from that suicidal thought. It's a mortal sin. Pray so hard. It's what I am doing to talk to God. You have meditation, so meditate my friend. Never be weak if there's something that bothers you. Your family loves you.
Stay away from that suicidal thought. It's a mortal sin. Pray so hard. It's what I am doing to talk to God. You have meditation, so meditate my friend. Never be weak if there's something that bothers you. Your family loves you.
I guess we learn about it from movies and especially kids should be taught that movies are fiction only because many times they commit suicide on small things
I guess we learn about it from movies and especially kids should be taught that movies are fiction only because many times they commit suicide on small things
It's also from videos and drama. It is not suitable for young audiences to watch a movie or TV novel with actor committing suicide. Kids like to imitate. They should watch only kids shows to avoid getting influence with suicidal acts. After what I was supposed to do, I always close my eyes when passing the bridge.
It's also from videos and drama. It is not suitable for young audiences to watch a movie or TV novel with actor committing suicide. Kids like to imitate. They should watch only kids shows to avoid getting influence with suicidal acts. After what I was supposed to do, I always close my eyes when passing the bridge.
These movies are behind making our teenagers and kids addicted to drugs and alcohol too because they show all this in the movies
These movies are behind making our teenagers and kids addicted to drugs and alcohol too because they show all this in the movies
That is very true movie writers and directors must not portray a scene actors taking drugs. The young viewers will be eager to try, hence drug addiction never ends. It is best to portray acts of kindness, gratitude, and respect so young people emulate.
That is very true movie writers and directors must not portray a scene actors taking drugs. The young viewers will be eager to try, hence drug addiction never ends. It is best to portray acts of kindness, gratitude, and respect so young people emulate.
They are behind those tragic deaths and that's why now our sensor board is adding a slogan of no smoking etc in movies but they should stop any scenes displaying the hero consuming tobacco or smoking on the screen
They are behind those tragic deaths and that's why now our sensor board is adding a slogan of no smoking etc in movies but they should stop any scenes displaying the hero consuming tobacco or smoking on the screen
Nah, it also happens the same here in the Philippine movies inclusion of smoking and drinking hard liquor. It shows the real image of our societies. But smoking in public places in the Philippines was banned during the Duterte presidency. This time no more Duterte so back to smoking in public places.
The government is also greedy and they never think of banning these things and are just interested in getting the extra tax they levy on these items
I thought Prime Minister Modi has a deep thought about cigarette smoking in India. But taxes are normal the cigarette manufacturing company but at least the smokers respect people who do not smoke. The government must ban smoking in public places.
It's an immortal sin but our minds our clouded with too much pain, an injury that sucks our flesh and bones. But with our faith in God is where we regained strength. And @eLdavis , thankful you you were not outsmarted by your problem. Let us always pray so hard.
Yes that's true. A lot of people think suicide is the answer, but in reality suicide is the coward way out.
People go through ups and downs in the life. But not everyone commits suicide. Most try to overcome the situation and move. But then there are ones who are not able to due to various reasons ( many a times a deep lying mental and emotional problem) end up committing suicide. I will not judge it as cowardly act. It is not easy to loose your life or take away our life, the natural instinct is to fight and survive. It's just a weak moment when some emotions overpower all the logic and preachings of life. I am sure that if one was still able to logically see things, one would never commit suicide.
I have never thought of committing suicide, even when I am in the toughest situation. People who are weak think of it, and people who know how to tackle difficult situations don't. I know a few of the people who committed suicide just because they were not doing financially well.
Yes that's true. A lot of people think suicide is the answer, but in reality suicide is the coward way out.
I agree with you, only cowards attempt to commit suicide. They might also be weak to rationalise their situation. That was what I felt when my heart was broken as if I saw nothing except the scene of the betrayal and confession of my ex. I'm thankful to God for his mercy and glory. Amen to this.