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Did you have a memorable trip?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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The best trip I remember was the first one. Then my parents took me to the sea for the first time in my country and it was unforgettable because before that I had never seen so much water in one place. We stayed for a short time, but since then I really love beaches
I don't frequently travel because of time management issues and money matters. However, when I decide to travel and when I travel, I always have a memorable trip. I have never regretted traveling, I have always enjoyed traveling and I have lasting memories of my travel. I also do not have any bad experience as well
I don't frequently travel because of time management issues and money matters. However, when I decide to travel and when I travel, I always have a memorable trip. I have never regretted traveling, I have always enjoyed traveling and I have lasting memories of my travel. I also do not have any bad experience as well
And it's right because trips don't happen so often that you don't remember them even if they were not far away. A bad experience is also an experience and you can draw conclusions from it and avoid making mistakes in future trips. And sometimes even trips where there were a lot of problems can be more sparing than the usual well-planned ones
I went to the beach with my family several times. I didn't really enjoy it because I was going thru a depression. :(
My memorable trip was when going to Turkey. There are a lot of wonderful places to discover. Add to that, people are friendly and many shops that could purchase cheaper than in your country. It is a good place that I recommend everyone to visit.
I have gone on a lot of camping trips with my father when I was still a child. Each and every one of the trip that we went to have always been memorable in my life. I have never forgotten any trip that I went to my father because I had the opportunity to bond with my father more than any other Siblings in my family.
My memorable trip was when going to Turkey. There are a lot of wonderful places to discover. Add to that, people are friendly and many shops that could purchase cheaper than in your country. It is a good place that I recommend everyone to visit.
I have also had a dream for a long time to visit this country on a rolling car and drive along the coast, but I am not sure that the prices there are even lower than in my country because I have been planning this trip for a long time and I compared the prices on the Internet, the prices there are only slightly lower than European
I have had a few memorable trips, one of them was during my service year we all contributed money to go for a visit at obudu cattle ranch located at the top of a mountain in cross River State Nigeria.
I went to the beach with my family several times. I didn't really enjoy it because I was going thru a depression. :(
But it is also a very memorable trip because you can remember those bad times and understand that maybe you are not so bad now or when you have bad times again you can go to the same place and maybe it will help you solve them
But it is also a very memorable trip because you can remember those bad times and understand that maybe you are not so bad now or when you have bad times again you can go to the same place and maybe it will help you solve them
An interesting viewpoint I had not considered! After the last family trip in 2005, I moved down South and have been here for 18 years. Now THAT was a fun trip!! 1000 miles in my car!
I think the most memorable trip I had was when I had to fly out if my country. It was my first international flight and I didn't know what to expect. It became memorable because we experienced some weather vagaries mid air that held the aircraft on standstill for some minutes. That was close.
One of my most memorable trips was a solo hiking adventure through the Swiss Alps. I'll never forget the breathtaking mountain vistas, crisp alpine air, and feeling of total freedom out on the trails.
For me, the best trip was when I was a child with my parents. It was my first trip abroad and we were not just at sea then, but we also traveled all the neighboring countries and then we visited many different beaches