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Debate Controversial: Trump or Harris?



Sep 23, 2023
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The US election effects the entire world, so even if you're not from the United States you need to watch this one closely.

I have two questions to ask and I'm interested in the opinions of everyone here.

1) Who do you think is going to win the White House in November?
2) Who do you want to win?

It would be great if you could say whether you're an American voter or not.
The whole world keeps a close watch on the US elections. It does bring an impact to everyone, directly or indirectly. My husband works for one MNC and many of the decisions are hanging there waiting for the result.
Well , I can't be fully sure. But from what I see people talking on myLot and such platforms, it seems like Harris has better chances of getting the office.
@Krissycakes09 . It's a sad state of affairs with politics everywhere. World has scarcity of real good politicians and visionary leaders. We wish that more good people will come forward to join politics. But the irony is that the dirty game corrupts everyone once they join it.