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Chatosaur - Make Lasting Friendships


The annual admin battle is coming soon. I came up with the idea on a forum I used to work on and I thought I would have it at Chatosaur too.

The idea is that there will be a poll to determine who is the coolest admin at Chatosaur for a cool prize.

It's all lighthearted fun!

Threads: 763, Messages: 3,979, Members: 66

The Annual Admin Battle has opened! Who's the coolest administrator at Chatosaur? Make your vote here:

If you're new to our forum we do ask that you make a minimum of 5 posts before voting otherwise your vote will not count. The administrators also cannot vote for themselves although it's recommended that they share the word and try to get votes!

The winning administrator will receive $20 USD.

Threads: 867, Messages: 4,401, Members: 71

Chatosaur has decided to start a new services category as we have found a lot of our community are website, blog or forum owners and we want to give back to the community.

We have:

Site Showcase - https://chatosaur.com/forums/site-showcase.17/
Exchanges/Marketplace - https://chatosaur.com/forums/exchanges-marketplace.76/
Site Showcase Service - https://chatosaur.com/forums/site-showcase-service.87/
Link Jumble Service - https://chatosaur.com/forums/jumble-ads.86/

To celebrate this new addition to our forum we're giving away some posts/threads or blog comments! https://chatosaur.com/forums/posts-giveaway.89
Today I merged another older forum I used to own into Chatosaur. This now results in the following stats:

Threads 3,672
Messages 15,870
Members 135

We are one month old tomorrow! Come check out our fast growing forum (Especially when it comes to new forums!)

  • Theme customization system

    You can customize some areas of the forum theme from this menu

    Choose the color that reflects your taste

    Wide/Narrow view

    You can control a structure that you can use to use your theme wide or narrow.

    Grid view forum list

    You can control the layout of the forum list in a grid or ordinary listing style structure.

    Picture grid mode

    In the grid forum list, you can control the structure where you can open/close images.

    Close sidebar

    You can get rid of the crowded view in the forum by closing the sidebar.

    Fixed sidebar

    You can make it more useful and easier to access by pinning the sidebar.

    Corner radius close

    You can use the radius at the corners of the blocks according to your taste by closing/opening it.
