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Can you manage to live alone?



Mar 18, 2024
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Can you manage to live alone? I cannot manage to live alone. I feel sad and lonely and may get sick of wondering. Tough I am not living alone but one time I experienced it when my siblings slept in a hotel when they attended a party in another city living me alone. I was a little bit consoled because of my pet kitty TikTok. He made many tricks to please me. My pet could dance TikTok. I let him sleep in my bedroom. My sister urges me to marry to avoid living alone, lol. I may do it if I am already sure of the man to be with my life. When I toured in other countries, I noticed that many love alone. They opt to be like that because they want peace of mind. hey prefer to pet a cat than marry. I also not9ced that most of them pet a cat not a dog. Their reason is the same, their pet cat is not fierce unlike a dog.

What about you, can you love alone?
Yes I can manage it. While I was in school I actually lived alone but whenever I was bored I had games to play on my phone, and I had books to read. If i had movies to watch it would have been a lot more fun.
Yes I can manage it. While I was in school I actually lived alone but whenever I was bored I had games to play on my phone, and I had books to read. If i had movies to watch it would have been a lot more fun.
Wow you are very good at that can afford to live alone. Usually men can live alone. Most women cannot afford to live alone afraid of the unknowns. I do not know why I feel afraid to be alone. I cannot make it. I feel nervous.
Wow you are very good at that can afford to live alone. Usually men can live alone. Most women cannot afford to live alone afraid of the unknowns. I do not know why I feel afraid to be alone. I cannot make it. I feel nervous.
True it's normal. Not only women, even some men sometimes they do not know how to live alone, hence they don't like it and some even fear it.
True it's normal. Not only women, even some men sometimes they do not know how to live alone, hence they don't like it and some even fear it.
I salute people abroad men and women prefer to live with a pet cat or dog not human. They feel comfortable living alone. They said they can budget and save more than having a wife or a husband. For me it is best to have a family of your own with a caring and thoughtful spouse and two kids. They make life complete.
I salute people abroad men and women prefer to live with a pet cat or dog not human. They feel comfortable living alone. They said they can budget and save more than having a wife or a husband. For me it is best to have a family of your own with a caring and thoughtful spouse and two kids. They make life complete.
Lol true living alone you can actually save more. While I enjoy staying alone, I do not want tom in the future I hope to have a wife and kids.
I also sometimes feel lonely, but I'm very comfortable living alone because I've gotten used to it over the years. I would also like to start a family, but it is almost impossible for me, so I am trying to adapt to such a life
I love living alone. I can do without people!
Lol true living alone you can actually save more. While I enjoy staying alone, I do not want tom in the future I hope to have a wife and kids.
It is true that living alone makes sense. It is because we can save more, it is only our mouth to feed ,lol and the bill's usages are reduced too. But life will be lonely if live alone. We need a significant one to fulfill our dreams for better or for worse . Having kids can make a happy bond too.
It is true that living alone makes sense. It is because we can save more, it is only our mouth to feed ,lol and the bill's usages are reduced too. But life will be lonely if live alone. We need a significant one to fulfill our dreams for better or for worse . Having kids can make a happy bond too.
Yes, I don't think anyone would want to live alone for the rest of their lives, unless in situations where they must have been badly hurt by others, hence they feel living alone is the right choice.
Yes, I don't think anyone would want to live alone for the rest of their lives, unless in situations where they must have been badly hurt by others, hence they feel living alone is the right choice.
That's not entirely true. There are some people that are loners. Those sets of people thrive better in a lonely environment where they are in the company of only themselves. I am one of such persons. I am now learning to have other people in my space.
Yes, I don't think anyone would want to live alone for the rest of their lives, unless in situations where they must have been badly hurt by others, hence they feel living alone is the right choice.
Agree, not all may not be able to marry because the hurt the person experienced was at the extreme that they never allow themselves to repeat the emotional struggles because of betrayal causing their hearts to close for another love. When trust of love is gone it cannot be revived again. They prefer to live alone.
I attended a teaching on wounds of the soul @King Belieal though you are right but if more research is made, it is still linked to wounds of the soul, meaning those people who are like that is still linked to a wound or injury they have in their soul. And wounds of the soul starts from child birth. Maybe on any of your spare time you can research on that. And even in your case it's different because even if you are like that, I believe you still want to start a family one day, and now you are learning to associate with others. I myself I prefer living alone like I have said, but I don't want to live my whole life alone. Does who choose to live their whole life alone, there is always a reason. Yes for some they are not able to overcome it @Scorpion
I survived alone for 3 years when I left home to complete my graduation in a different city. It was quite far so I didn't went home for the whole period.
It is true that living alone makes sense. It is because we can save more, it is only our mouth to feed ,lol and the bill's usages are reduced too. But life will be lonely if live alone. We need a significant one to fulfill our dreams for better or for worse . Having kids can make a happy bond too.
I don't need anyone. Decided at the age of 8 that I wasn't having children and I certainly don't feel unfulfilled just because I have never had them or married. Never even had a relationship. Loneliness is an emotion I have never felt nor ever will. Not a people person. La soltera para siempre.
I cannot live alone. I feel upset and bored when I don't see anyone around me. That's one of the reasons I don't let my family go anywhere, leaving me alone at home. After my engineering degree, I got a job in another city, and there I rented a room but was not able to live alone, so I shared a room with a friend. And from that day on, I realized how tough it is to live alone.
I don't need anyone. Decided at the age of 8 that I wasn't having children and I certainly don't feel unfulfilled just because I have never had them or married. Never even had a relationship. Loneliness is an emotion I have never felt nor ever will. Not a people person. La soltera para siempre.
I salute you for being brave and strong. I rarely hear people wanting to live alone. In your case, you decided it long time ago. If I could only live alone, I would surely do it, but I am not that brave like you. I am restless if there is no one to talk to. Being an extrovert, I need people.
I don't need anyone. Decided at the age of 8 that I wasn't having children and I certainly don't feel unfulfilled just because I have never had them or married. Never even had a relationship. Loneliness is an emotion I have never felt nor ever will. Not a people person. La soltera para siempre.

"La soltera para siempre" what does it mean? It's a brave decision I also think like @Scorpion . It's not easy to do that. I also thought of not getting married, since childhood but as grew up I realised that it's not easy to live alone. You need to have a companion to spend your life so I married and have two children now.
"La soltera para siempre" what does it mean? It's a brave decision I also think like @Scorpion . It's not easy to do that. I also thought of not getting married, since childhood but as grew up I realised that it's not easy to live alone. You need to have a companion to spend your life so I married and have two children now.
Yes that is right, it will be sickening if remain single but if my destiny decides not to let me marry then there might be reasons. However, life is what we make it. We must also help ourselves and pray too God to send the right person to be with till eternity.
@ Sanjeev:
'La soltera para siempre' is Spanish for 'The single woman forever' which is how I intend to remain. I don't feel I have anything to offer a relationship anyway as I am asexual and have no interest in or desire for sex and intimacy.