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Can you love someone and still chat on them?



Mar 4, 2024
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Cheating is something that is not based on nationality or gender, there have been cases of people cheating all over the world. The question for today is can you cheat on someone you truly love? There are some persons who have claimed they love someone but they still cheat on them, all in the name of temptation or a moment of weakness. Personally I do not believe it's possible to truly love someone and still cheat on them. Your love alone should be enough to stop you from cheating. Cheating means hurting your partner and anyone who loves their partner would not want to hurt them.
In my opinion, when a person cheats, he tries to find what he lacks in his current partner. And if she lacks something, then this is clearly not true love, because true love is when you accept your partner as he is
Cheating is the worst things in life and if someone is cheating on their partner then they should stop because it'll hurt their family and kids too. If you are in love with someone then you cannot cheat them.
I cannot cheat someone whom I love but there are people who find pleasure in cheating their loved ones. Sometimes people forget what they are doing for their short timed pleasure.