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Can dreams be recorded in a sleep lab using EEG and computer simulation?



Mar 28, 2024
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Dreams can be recorded in a sleep lab using EEG and computer simulation. EEG sensors monitor brain activity during sleep, allowing researchers to identify when a person is dreaming. Computer simulations can then recreate the dream scenario based on brain wave patterns and other physiological data. This technology, known as "dream decoding," is still evolving but has already provided valuable insights into the neural correlates of dreaming and the subconscious mind. By recording and analyzing dreams, scientists can better understand the mysteries of the human brain.
Earn, point of correction, this claim of yours has only been theorized, not yet practicalized so as of now there's no way we can interpret dreams through the use of EEG and computer simulation.
I have heard about this, but I don't think they have actually started doing it, I might be wrong though.