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Big or body hugged cloths



Mar 4, 2024
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When it comes to fashion what type of clothing do you prefer, are you the type that like wearing slim fitted clothes or body hugged cloths, or do you simply prefer big ones? For me I am a little in between. I like my cloths a little bit big.
I like my clothes to be free and large. I prefer to wear big polos and baggy trousers because I love them and I like being free in anything that I am wearing.
I like to wear slim fit in terms of clothes because I am a fashion designer I used saw what ever it suit my mind but I don't know most why most of the people are willing to amend their clothes to slim fits
I like my clothes to be free and large. I prefer to wear big polos and baggy trousers because I love them and I like being free in anything that I am wearing.
Lol like my best friend, she is very skinny but loves wearing big polos and baggy trousers. She said she is more comfortable with those cloths.
I like oversized clothes because I don't have a very good body shape and I'm sometimes ashamed, and with such oversized clothes I feel much more comfortable and even more confident. Usually such clothes are more expensive than others, but I'm fine with that
I don't like tightly fitted clothes as I feel uncomfortable in them. I prefer clothes in between like you @eLdavis
I don't really do body hugging clothes. And it must not be too tight on me either because I have some good amounts of muscle mass. My clothes should just perfectly fit. It makes me look smart like that.
I am skinny too, so I don't like wearing clothes that are so tight because it will make me look small. At the same time I don't want to wear clothes that are too big either, I don't want to go around looking like Kanye West!