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Are your “shoulds” getting in the way of your happiness?



Mar 28, 2024
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The weight of "shoulds" can be crushing! I've realized that my happiness is often hijacked by societal expectations, self-imposed standards, and fear of judgment. I "should" be more successful, thinner, or accomplished. But these conditionals suffocate my joy and authenticity. By recognizing and challenging these "shoulds," I'm learning to embrace my individuality, prioritize my desires, and cultivate self-acceptance. In letting go of the "shoulds," I'm creating space for happiness to flourish.
I believe that those 'shoulds' are those ones that helps us to set goals for ourselves in the long run, so they are not bad after all. One needs to learn how to make them to be a better person.
One thing I try not to do is pressure myself. Yes I know I should be in a higher level than I am now, but since am not, instead of pressuring myself and worrying, I would rather put in effort to be better.