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Are You Good At Swimming?



Mar 23, 2024
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In our parts, people are still not much interested in swimming and only a handful go for it and others are not even interested in it but it is quite useful and even helps you maintain a healthy weight, healthy heart, and lungs and builds endurance and muscle strength.

Are You Good At Swimming?
I learned to swim when I was 12 years old. It didn't take me very long, but I don't swim often. I was only 2 times at the sea and several times at the pool. I'm not afraid of water, so I can swim well, but definitely not fast, because for this you need to train
Am not good at swimming, and I don't even know how to swim. There is a possibility that when I do learn how to swim, I might be pretty good at it. A few years back I tried learning but I was only able to do it once.
Again, this is a sport that I'm currently finding it very hard to learn. No matter how hard I try, swimming does not come easy to me.
Yes you are right and I enjoy swimming a lot especially when it's rainy season we used to compete with each other in the river
I learned to swim when I was 12 years old. It didn't take me very long, but I don't swim often. I was only 2 times at the sea and several times at the pool. I'm not afraid of water, so I can swim well, but definitely not fast, because for this you need to train
Still its good and way better than me and many others because its not so common to be good at swimming here in India for normal people
I regret for not learning how to swim. I have always wanted to know swimming because it can be a life saver when you get stucked in flood or any such situation. We have a swimming pool nearby but they don't allow adults to join it.
Ha ha, what a question, of course, I love swimming being a deep sea swimmer You know it already. I joined many swimming competitions regional and won 7 times. I received trophies and cash prizes. The feeling is truly awesome. We also have a swimming pool at home.
Again, this is a sport that I'm currently finding it very hard to learn. No matter how hard I try, swimming does not come easy to me.
I don't know it's so hard because I see kids learning it easily and they enjoy swimming
Kids learn easily in everything even in the manipulation of a gadget. Kids learn fast even in swimming they are not hesitant to learn. That was my experience when I learned to swim at the age of 7. I was afraid but after I learned, I enjoyed swimming.