Discussion Hub

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Are you afraid of getting old?



Mar 4, 2024
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Old age is one thing we all can't avoid as humans, when I see most old people and how weak and fragile they become as they grow older it makes me sacred about how I would turn out when i grow old. Due to this I have started working on living a more healthy life so I can be stronger when I grow older. Are you scared of growing old?
I wouldn't say that I'm afraid of getting old. I'm just worried because I don't know how to behave, but it's completely natural and I can't do anything about it. If I had a way out and I couldn't use it, then I would definitely be afraid
Yes I know what you mean, it's something we can't avoid. The best we can do right now is put in effort to eat healthy and live healthy right now so we can be better in the future.