Discussion Hub

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Are You Addicted towards anything?



Mar 23, 2024
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I think in some way or the other we are addicted to something and it can be our phone or even our TV or even things without which we cannot expect our day to pass. I do have an addiction to checking my phone every few minutes even if I didn't see or hear of any text or notification.

Are You Addicted towards anything?
Yes I am addicted to playing games a lot and listening to music's on my smartphone and there are so many things I am addicted to and when ever I missed it I will bored example if I wake in the morning every day I used to perform an exercise for about 1 to 2 hours when I missed it a day my body became so stressed
Oh I was also like that during my childhood days and I used to play games for long hours and I am thankful that I am no longer addicted to games now
I am addicted to playing music. There have not been a day that I didn't play music with my phone. To make it jolly and sweet, I add dancing to it.
Maybe I'm addicted to computer games because that's how I spend most of my free time, but it's because I simply don't have other activities. I could easily stop doing this if I had friends with whom I could spend all my free time on the street
Yes, I am addicted to falling asleep. 🤣. I'm able to go to sleep at any moment; at times, I'll just lay in bed and talk to someone before falling sleep.
Yes, I am addicted to falling asleep. 🤣. I'm able to go to sleep at any moment; at times, I'll just lay in bed and talk to someone before falling sleep.
lol I see many are like that,I have a friend who happens to be a Girl LOL but not my Girl friend, she also says that she can sleep even while having her dinner lol
I was addicted to cakes and other snacks, but right now I don't eat it often cause I am trying to manage my health and weight. I still love cakes though, but it's not an addiction that controls me.