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Are you a caring person?



Apr 30, 2024
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I have seen many people who are too caring for others. My wife is like that; she always thinks about others. Whereas I don't, I lack that habit. I am sort of a selfish person and rarely think about others. How do you classify yourself? Do you think about others or just yourself?
I am generally a very caring person. I always don't want people around me to look gloomy and I always try to see what I can do to help in such situations. That's the real essence of life. Being able to bring smiles to the face of someone.
I have seen many people who are too caring for others. My wife is like that; she always thinks about others. Whereas I don't, I lack that habit. I am sort of a selfish person and rarely think about others. How do you classify yourself? Do you think about others or just yourself?
Actually I am also be classified as part of those that care about others because I am too friendly with most of my community members and I always like forgive and forget
Well I am not and I mostly think about myself LOL, I know its mean but I am not able to change myself
I can easily say am a caring person, so I feel its best someone else should be the one who says it and not me. I try my best to be caring though.
I am not much and I expect others to care for me LOL, I am not that bad and do care for those that care for me
I have seen many people who are too caring for others. My wife is like that; she always thinks about others. Whereas I don't, I lack that habit. I am sort of a selfish person and rarely think about others. How do you classify yourself? Do you think about others or just yourself?
Yes I have come across people like that, they tend to put every other person before themselves. They don't care if they suffer or if they end up not having. The most important thing is that the other person is okay.
I am not much and I expect others to care for me LOL, I am not that bad and do care for those that care for me

That's a right concept. I also try to take care of people who take care of me and avoid people who are selfish and doesn't care about people around them. I have observed people are more selfish these days and only think about themselves.
I am very caring and I can really go overboard with people who are close to me and matter a lot. I am caring by nature. But I am smart to realise when I am being used and I stop there. I am very clear about my limitations. I don't like people taking advantage of my goodness.