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Are there poisonous snakes in your area?



Mar 5, 2024
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I live not far from the mountains, but in a big city, so there are no snakes here, but if you go 30 kilometers outside the city to some not very densely populated city, you can meet many snakes and all different species, but they are not poisonous (maybe). Even in childhood, my father was bitten by a snake, but there were no consequences from this
Yes there are, but I try my best not to think about this though.
Yes there are quite a few poisonous snakes in my area, but I have not experienced a snake bite before nor know a friend or family member who has. The trick is to keep the surrounding of the house free of bushes.
No, our city does not have any snakes. It is fortunate for me because I have a snake phobia. I've read that the majority of deaths occur from heart attacks rather than snake bites.
Cobra and Krait are poisonous snakes. These snakes are common in my place. There has been a lot of incidents when these reptiles entered out house and we had to call snake rescuers. Sometimes.we even had to call someone to kill these snakes where we could not find any rescuers immediately.
I dread snakes but the funny part is that I don't even know which snakes are dangerous. I see few green snakes around my location. I have bought bitter kola to spray around so that the snakes would stay away from the surroundings.
@King Belieal It is impossible to determine whether a snake is poisonous or not, by looking after it. I've heard that every water-dwelling snake is non-poisonous. I believe snakes are common in hilly areas. There is very little chance of snakes in our location because we live in a city and a plain.
@King Belieal It is impossible to determine whether a snake is poisonous or not, by looking after it. I've heard that every water-dwelling snake is non-poisonous. I believe snakes are common in hilly areas. There is very little chance of snakes in our location because we live in a city and a plain.
Pythons don't have venoms though, they can bite, but they don't have venoms. The bite will just be like a cut wound.
Pythons don't have venoms though, they can bite, but they don't have venoms. The bite will just be like a cut wound.

Non-poisonous pythons are capable of snatching an individual, biting their bones, and then swallowing their bodies. Pythons are lethargic and have problems grabbing their prey. Unlike snakes, they are extremely energetic once they grab their prey & don't run.
Where I live there are lots of eagles and you can see them flying overhead almost daily. The eagles make short work of the snakes and thin them out. So snake numbers are low out here and you hardly ever see any.
Non-poisonous pythons are capable of snatching an individual, biting their bones, and then swallowing their bodies. Pythons are lethargic and have problems grabbing their prey. Unlike snakes, they are extremely energetic once they grab their prey & don't run.
Yeah, I'm not disputing the fact that they swallow their prey whole. And if you ask me, that's another level of dangerous. I once saw a video of a python swallowing a medium sized goat!