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Are there any English words which you find funny?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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For me, English in general is not very funny because all the words seem intelligent, but for example words like literally because when I say it I feel like my mouth is full of water
There are quite a few quirky English words that always make me chuckle a bit. "Kerfuffle" is one that sounds utterly ridiculous but means a fuss or commotion. I also get a kick out of "discombobulated" to describe feeling confused or disconcerted. And words like "wibbledy-wobbledy" and "fartlek" (an athletic training technique) are just downright silly sounding. Even more straightforward words like "flabbergasted" and "lollygag" have a certain comedic flair to them in my opinion. The English language has no shortage of amusingly eccentric vocabular that makes me smile whenever I use or hear them.
The words "knight" and "gnat", why aren't they spelt the way they are spoken?
"Wabbit" I only heard it used once not in a Bugs Bunny cartoon. I think it means tired or exhausted. But really who says that!
I find the word 'queue' to be quite funny. It can basically just be one letter, but they had to add 4 unnecessary letters to it. Waste of space if you ask me!
I find the word 'queue' to be quite funny. It can basically just be one letter, but they had to add 4 unnecessary letters to it. Waste of space if you ask me!
Aha! I agree that those remaining four letters shouldn't have been there. The same way one wonders what the letter k is doing in knife and knight. English is surely a unique language!
So far there is none I can think of, but I do find it funny when I come across someone who pronounce these word in a weird way.
For me l find the word flabbergasted to be so funny for me.
There are many such words and they are funny in different cultures like Mate word is quite common but some don't find it good and don't like this to be used in place of friends
Most fun English words that have different meanings depending on the context.
Actually its not only in English but our local language does have many funny words which means different in different local languages