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Are there any companies you wouldn't work for?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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I don't have specific companies that I wouldn't want to work for, but I do have a type of company. I would not like to work in very large companies because, in my opinion, sometimes the boss does not know his subordinate, and in small companies you can even go out for coffee with the boss
I have worked as a teacher for private high schools in my country and have vowed that nothing can make me do that kind of work again. They are complete exploitation. You would get rid school early, work like a donkey, close late, all for very meager salary. I know my life has passed that level now and I can't do that kind of job ever again in my life.
I don't have any company in mind when it comes to selecting a company I might not want to work for. Then again I don't mind working or a big company or a small one, the most important thing is that I am open to more opportunities, can learn and I get paid well.
I worked for awhile for Coca-Cola, never again. They treat their employees like crap.
Yeah, I once worked for an hotel, and it was a terrible experience because you won't have time for yourself. Never again.
There are certain companies whose values and practices I couldn't ethically align myself with as an employee. Any organizations that engage in exploitative labor, environmental degradation, or deceptive business conduct would be non-starters for me.
Most of these marketing companies that will tell you to bring 2 people, then the two people should bring 2 people each. It is forever a no.
Most of these marketing companies that will tell you to bring 2 people, then the two people should bring 2 people each. It is forever a no.
Those annoying conditions all in a bid to get more people and at the end of the day they only give crumbs to those who bring those people. Not my line of preference either.