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Are dreams colorful or black and white? Why do we get mixed situation in dreams?



Mar 28, 2024
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Dreams can be both colorful and black and white, depending on the individual's brain chemistry and personal experiences. Research suggests that vivid colors in dreams are associated with emotional intensity, while black and white dreams may indicate a more logical or rational approach. Mixed situations in dreams can occur due to the brain's ability to combine fragmented memories and emotions, creating a unique narrative. This blending of elements can result in surreal and often illogical dream scenarios, reflecting the brain's attempt to process and consolidate information.
Nice research, I think most of my dreams are in black and white though, I'm not exactly sure, there's no way to remember the specific details when one wakes up.
My dreams have always been in normal color, I wasn't even aware people could dream in black and white.
My dreams are always in color and very realistic.