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Gaming AI in video games?


Active Contributor

Nov 12, 2023
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AI is one of the biggest trends in the world today. A day wouldn't go by without mentioning of AI being used in one thing or another. Now, AI have been used in the video games industry in game development and even playing. AI have now been trained play games which they're more efficient in playing better than humans.

How do you think AI is going to change the gaming industry in the next 10 years?
I feel at this time it is quite difficult to predict how AI will change the video game industry within the next 10 years. So many of us never thought we would see AI able to play video games better than humans but it has happened and we have seen that.

I would hope that AI would be used to the advantage of making video games better in the future and preventing so many bugs from getting through on release.
AI will revolutionize the gaming industry in the next decade by enhancing realistic gameplay, improving non-player character intelligence, creating personalized gaming experiences, enabling adaptive and dynamic game design, and even exploring new forms of virtual reality gaming.
Just I have a small question. Does playing against a computer could be considered AI in video games? Or this doesn't relate? Because it involves the computer observing what you are doing and acting against you by making algorithm calculations.
AI generated games have great scope. It is already available in some game builders. You can type the context and it will build the games for you.

Currently, only simple games can be built using AI. It is only a matter of time before it gains the ability to do complex games.
In my opinion, artificial intelligence has developed quite well over the past six months, even so I think that you can try to use it for games, but in what form will it be? For example, it can spoil the graphics or the movements of the characters or even make the NPCs unpredictable, then this is a very good idea
Certainly not! The use of AI in game creation is equally capable as Generative fill in PS. Yes, it has not evolved to that level of perfection. But that is only a matter of time.
The gaming industry is bigger than music or movie industry. The gaming industry has been using artificial intelligence technology in game development for a long time. The best examples are the simulation games where you can enjoy real life in the virtual environment. AI is helping creators to create more challenging and adaptive games
I think games are a cool platform to try artificial intelligence. In my opinion, this should greatly increase realistic games and not only in terms of graphics, but also in terms of the scenario and behavior of NPCs
Just I have a small question. Does playing against a computer could be considered AI in video games? Or this doesn't relate? Because it involves the computer observing what you are doing and acting against you by making algorithm calculations.
I might be wrong but I believe this is also the use of artificial intelligence in the works here. I think the next level of artificial intelligence would be these none playable characters having the ability to learn from players and grow. Therefore making games a lot harder to win.
AI is poised to revolutionize gaming over the next decade. We're already seeing AI assist with advanced graphics, procedural generation, and more intuitive non-player characters. Looking ahead, AI could help craft deeper, more reactive story experiences and open-world environments. On the dev side, AI tools could streamline coding and asset creation. And for players, AI assistants could provide real-time tips or even full-fledged AI companions.