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Activities to do on Sundays.


Active Contributor

Mar 24, 2024
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There are plenty of activities you can enjoy on a Sunday, depending on your interests and preferences.

What are some of the activities you enjoy doing on a Sunday?
My favorite are:

1. Read a book or start a new one.
2. Watch a movie or binge-watch a TV series.
3. Listen to music or podcasts.
4. Practice meditation or yoga for relaxation.
5. Take a nap or enjoy a lazy morning in bed.

Remember to tailor your Sunday activities to suit your mood, energy level, and personal preferences. It's your day to relax and recharge for the week ahead!
I am a Christian and I attend church service on Sundays. After that, it is all about relaxation for me. I take out time to plan my day and possibly see a movie calm my nerves. If there is super Sunday soccer match from the EPL, then everything is perfect for that Sunday.
After partying all night I prefer to sleep till late on Sundays and like to stay in bed and have breakfast around 1 or 2 pm
I don't really do much on a Sunday. After coming back from church service, the only thing i do is to continue my online work, eat and then watch a movie.
I am a Christian and I attend church service on Sundays. After that, it is all about relaxation for me. I take out time to plan my day and possibly see a movie calm my nerves. If there is super Sunday soccer match from the EPL, then everything is perfect for that Sunday.
It's the same for me, church in the morning and then you can do anything. I also like to visit the local team to watch a match if the weather is nice. And then you can cook dinner and watch a movie. Beautiful Sunday
On Sundays, I love taking the morning slow with a cup of coffee and the newspaper crossword puzzle. Once I've had a lazy start, I enjoy getting outside for some exercise. Afternoons are perfect for tackling a baking project or curling up with a good book. In the evening, unwinding by watching a movie or having friends over for boardgames is a relaxing way to wrap up the weekend.
For me, Sunday is a day when I get distracted from everything I do on a regular day. I do the things that bring me pleasure and every week I do it differently. FOR EXAMPLE, one week I can watch movies all day and the next I want to go shopping
For me, Sundays are days of rest after the service. I make sure that I don't do any stressful work at home because I wouldn't want to wake up on Monday morning feeling tired.