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Sep 23, 2023
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Have you ever had acne? How did you deal with it? Do you still have it?

I noticed a new spot on my forehead this morning and it reminded me of the acne I once had. In my teenage years, I had really bad acne, but I didn’t really care or try to get rid of it, and after my teenage years it just went away by itself. I think trying to fight off acne is pointless. Does treatment really work for acne? Too many teenagers try to do this but I don’t see the point.
Oh I had such a problem with acne during high school, severe issue. I had to drink strong medications after school (after finishing high school) to get rid of it and my skin got clear but there was some kind of scars. Now I have beard so nobody knows I have any scars on my face. It's not like so big scar to be noticed on the first sight, but you can see it when you sit with me. Anyway, that's resolved in a way. I had no self-confidance in school because of it and girls didn't show any interest in me :D
I've never had an acne problem. Skins problems haven't bothered as far as I can tell, so I would say I'm one of those lucky guys who never had to deal with one skin problem or another.
I used Nixoderm to treat my acne problem when I was in high school. I've never had it again after my first experience with the skin problem.
I have never had acne in my life before, I never needed to have any way to deal with it, it's never been a skin problem for me. It's heat rashes I used to have every summer.
Yes, I've had acne before but it was never bad.
It would clear up within a few days. I don't get acne much anymore.
I used to have acne on my forehead because I have oily skin and also I used to put a lot of oil in my hair. I stopped putting oil in my hair as my hair is naturally oily; Also, I started using tea tree-based facewashes. I've been washing my face twice a day - once before going to bed, and once after waking up in the morning. This really helped me get rid of acne for good.
Yes, I've had acne before but it was never bad.
It would clear up within a few days. I don't get acne much anymore.
I was told that the kind of water which you're making use of to bath is part of the cause for having acne. I watched a lady on TikTok last week where she was saying the same thing. If the water you're making use of to bath is hard water or it's treated with some chemicals to make it clean, it's going to cause acne.
When I was a ninth grader, I started getting acnes, however, the probelm never went too severe, by washing my face with a fashwash several times in a day, I was able to control acne. BY the time I was out of high school all of my acnes had gone. I have seen how acnes become a big problem in many people, the even go to doctors for solutions
I have seen those who are suffering acne without being able to treat it. It's what they have as a natural skin problem which I don't know why it would be affecting them in such a way. They will use all the cream they are told that it cures acne but all to no avail.
While I was in my teenage years I had acne a lot and very often. It is very bad that no kind of medication usually makes it go away. But as I grow older it slowly reduce, now I don't usually have any kind of spots on my face as compared to when I was younger.
I did struggle with acne during my teenage years and into my early 20s. It was frustrating and affected my self-confidence at times. I tried various over-the-counter treatments, but found the most success with a prescription topical cream from my dermatologist. Maintaining a consistent skincare routine and avoiding irritants also helped. Nowadays, my skin is much clearer, though I still get the occasional breakout.
I did when young but it's almost gone now. If I eat greasy foods it seems to come back
I used Nixoderm to treat my acne problem when I was in high school. I've never had it again after my first experience with the skin problem.
Do they still sell nixoderm these days, or are they even as effective as back then? I remember using nixoderm back in the years and it was extremely effective for my skin.
Yes, I had acne when I was a teenager on my forehead and cheeks. Those acne scars have gone, but they left deep scars on my face, due to which I look ugly. I have asked many people if there is any treatment for these scars, but no one has ever told me.
Luckily, I’ve never had to deal with acne issues.
Luckily, I’ve never had to deal with acne issues.

Even my daughter is suffering from acne issues , maybe because of the genes. She is taking treatment from a good skin doctor from last few days. He has assured us that in few months she will be fine.