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A little hurt kept me away.



Apr 8, 2024
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Good afternoon. I am back from work and had my hot lunch. And now I have some time to be online and catch up with the online life. I went missing from the online world from the last three days. I had a tight schedule with my work and my training classes on weekends. But then there was another reason that kept me away from online space. I got hurt in my right hand. A small but a deep cut that happened on my thumb. I accidentally got cut with the sharp hinges while cleaning my kitchen drawer. There was blood coming out for quite some time. And I did visit the doctor. I was given antibiotics. I had taken Anti tetanus injection recently in June when my little toe bumped into a sharp rusted piece while coming back from work. The hurt was not deep but doctor suggested me to have the injection as the object was rusted and covered with dirt. That saved me from injection this time. I could not do much with my thumb in bandages and chose to rather relax with reading and watching movies. LoL!
Now my thumb is healed. The scar will go slowly .I have another two days of antibiotics. I am back to typing and online hustles. Yay!!
Hope all is well with everyone here and you had a good time both online and offline.
Yea I noticed I didn't see you online for a few days now. Even for me I had a lot of things to sort out this period. If it works out I might not be online much.
Good you are rested now and fresh for the online world, I hope you will be more careful now and hope your thumb is fine by now
@eLdavis . I am not sure how much active I can be online in coming days. It is another month for the first semester to get over by end of September. A lot of commitments will come up at work front too. I am just trying to make the best use of the free time at hand and do as much as I can. It's a long weekend here. So, I want to make best use of these four days.

Good you are rested now and fresh for the online world, I hope you will be more careful now and hope your thumb is fine by now
I am feeling much better now. The thumb is healed and the scar is also better. Thank you for the concern.
Good afternoon. I am back from work and had my hot lunch. And now I have some time to be online and catch up with the online life. I went missing from the online world from the last three days. I had a tight schedule with my work and my training classes on weekends. But then there was another reason that kept me away from online space. I got hurt in my right hand. A small but a deep cut that happened on my thumb. I accidentally got cut with the sharp hinges while cleaning my kitchen drawer. There was blood coming out for quite some time. And I did visit the doctor. I was given antibiotics. I had taken Anti tetanus injection recently in June when my little toe bumped into a sharp rusted piece while coming back from work. The hurt was not deep but doctor suggested me to have the injection as the object was rusted and covered with dirt. That saved me from injection this time. I could not do much with my thumb in bandages and chose to rather relax with reading and watching movies. LoL!
Now my thumb is healed. The scar will go slowly .I have another two days of antibiotics. I am back to typing and online hustles. Yay!!
Hope all is well with everyone here and you had a good time both online and offline.
Oh actually I feel your pain but probably you are healed as well and it's great to share some memories with each other any way wish you the best all the way
Oh actually I feel your pain but probably you are healed as well and it's great to share some memories with each other any way wish you the best all the way
It looks healed and I am not experiencing any pain any more. Even the antibiotics course is complete. Thank you for the concern.
@eLdavis . I am not sure how much active I can be online in coming days. It is another month for the first semester to get over by end of September. A lot of commitments will come up at work front too. I am just trying to make the best use of the free time at hand and do as much as I can. It's a long weekend here. So, I want to make best use of these four days.
Oh I understand, just take care of yourself.
Good afternoon. I am back from work and had my hot lunch. And now I have some time to be online and catch up with the online life. I went missing from the online world from the last three days. I had a tight schedule with my work and my training classes on weekends. But then there was another reason that kept me away from online space. I got hurt in my right hand. A small but a deep cut that happened on my thumb. I accidentally got cut with the sharp hinges while cleaning my kitchen drawer. There was blood coming out for quite some time. And I did visit the doctor. I was given antibiotics. I had taken Anti tetanus injection recently in June when my little toe bumped into a sharp rusted piece while coming back from work. The hurt was not deep but doctor suggested me to have the injection as the object was rusted and covered with dirt. That saved me from injection this time. I could not do much with my thumb in bandages and chose to rather relax with reading and watching movies. LoL!
Now my thumb is healed. The scar will go slowly .I have another two days of antibiotics. I am back to typing and online hustles. Yay!!
Hope all is well with everyone here and you had a good time both online and offline.
For me l really hate being hurt. That is because a slightly mistake can lead you to a seriously injury.
For me l really hate being hurt. That is because a slightly mistake can lead you to a seriously injury.
So true! Even a little hurt at times can be a trouble. It was an accident. I had so many plans that had to be put on hold because of this little hurt. It was a small cut but got deep. It has made so many things go off the track in my life
Sorry you got hurt. I hope you are feeling better now and the antibiotics have worked
Sorry you got hurt and hope you are feeling better by now and antibiotics worked.
The antibiotic course is over. The pain is not there. Thumb looks better and healed. But my nail has changed colour. It's still a bit bluish. Let's see how much more time will it take. Thank you for your concern.
The antibiotic course is over. The pain is not there. Thumb looks better and healed. But my nail has changed colour. It's still a bit bluish. Let's see how much more time will it take. Thank you for your concern.
It takes time but will go in a week or around this time. Body takes time to heal and the process slows down with age.
As far as you are working online, you would be needing your hands to be in the best condition for you to be effective with your online work. Sorry for the cut. All those things happen every now and then. Reason we have to apply a little more bit of carefulness when performing chores.
@King Belieal . You are right. We have to be really careful to avoid such things. I am generally careful and I was careful on that day. But maybe had a bad luck to meet the accident. Anyways, the small hurt did put my life out of track for few days. I will rest for a day and then take care of the piles around the house.