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A double dinner today.



Apr 8, 2024
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It's 8:30 PM and I just had my second dinner now. Well, it doesn't happen with me, but today it has happened. I will generally have my dinner at 7 PM. Today, I skipped my lunch. I had a heavy breakfast of a veggies loaded omelette, one toast and a small banana. I was full to skip my mid morning snacks. As I was to leave my work place at 12, one of the colleague got us some treat for her 24th birthday. I am her trainer. She offered me too. It was samosa ( Popular Indian snacks) and walnut dates cake without any added sugar. I took one servings of both. And when back home, I had no appetite for lunch. I skipped my lunch. It was all okay till 5. Just after my afternoon therapy session, I hada bad hunger pang and could not control it. I took out a little portion from my leftover lunch, heated it and ate. I was full and I thought to skip my dinner. But just at 8, my stomach started growling. I had to eat the other leftover portion.
So, I had double dinner today. Has it ever happened to you? I have a friend who has dinner twice every day. She eats at 7 and my the time her husband comes at 10, she is hungry again and joins him again for a small portion.
Lol it has happened to me several times in the past, but I try not to let it happen always. Most times after I have prepared what I was ment to eat, I would come across some extra dish made by someone else, and I just can't refused.
@eLdavis ..lol! I know that it is always so hard to conquer our temptations, especially if it's a yummy dish. I have been there when I have eaten more than what I generally would just for the taste.
@eLdavis ..lol! I know that it is always so hard to conquer our temptations, especially if it's a yummy dish. I have been there when I have eaten more than what I generally would just for the taste.
So true it's not easy at all. And the funny thing is it's usually a good you can resist.
So true it's not easy at all. And the funny thing is it's usually a good you can resist.
I know that it's healthy decision to resist it. But then we need to take care of our taste buds from time to time. It makes us happy and it's good for our emotional health. LoL!
I try to resist it most of the times. But I do cheat and give up to the temptations from time to time.
It happens sometimes so it's not a problem although it's better to have the food in required portion only and have all our meals at their desired time but sometimes it's not possible.
I know that it's healthy decision to resist it. But then we need to take care of our taste buds from time to time. It makes us happy and it's good for our emotional health. LoL!
I try to resist it most of the times. But I do cheat and give up to the temptations from time to time.
Lol that's true, there are times once I noticed I have been craving for a particular thing for a long time. I will just turn a blind eye and buy it so I can get over with it once and for all.
I have always had double dinners when I have to do something extremely strenuous after I had initially taken dinner. If I had to handle a very demanding job after dinner, I would surely have to take a double dinner because that work would drain me before i go to bed.
When you skip a meal for any reason these things does happen and that's why If possible we should never skip any meal.
@eLdavis . I try my best to reason and get distracted. But if still the craving keeps lasting, I would give up and have a small portion. Else I would not be able to focus on other things. And if the body keeps craving for something despite all the reasoning, there might be some need for it.
@King Belieal . That makes sense. You must be drained after burning all the calories.
@Kingpin . I agree there. I am a diabetic and so very disciplined around my meal times. I don't skip any meal. It's very rare.
It's 8:30 PM and I just had my second dinner now. Well, it doesn't happen with me, but today it has happened. I will generally have my dinner at 7 PM. Today, I skipped my lunch. I had a heavy breakfast of a veggies loaded omelette, one toast and a small banana. I was full to skip my mid morning snacks. As I was to leave my work place at 12, one of the colleague got us some treat for her 24th birthday. I am her trainer. She offered me too. It was samosa ( Popular Indian snacks) and walnut dates cake without any added sugar. I took one servings of both. And when back home, I had no appetite for lunch. I skipped my lunch. It was all okay till 5. Just after my afternoon therapy session, I hada bad hunger pang and could not control it. I took out a little portion from my leftover lunch, heated it and ate. I was full and I thought to skip my dinner. But just at 8, my stomach started growling. I had to eat the other leftover portion.
So, I had double dinner today. Has it ever happened to you? I have a friend who has dinner twice every day. She eats at 7 and my the time her husband comes at 10, she is hungry again and joins him again for a small portion.
No it has not happen to me because I regularly have my dinner at 9pm after taken it then I watched movies or played games till I get tired and sleep
I can never have a double dinner. My tummy will refuse. I am not also a heavy eater. One small cup rice small veggies, small grilled fish and others will be enough for me. I surely refuse the offer or invitation. But if it's my first dinner I will not refuse the offer.
@Amdhone3qq . You have a late dinner. So, you will not feel hungry after that. Even I don't feel hungry after my 7 PM dinner..this was one of those rare days.
@Scorpion . Even I am a small eater and my dinner is the lightest meal of the day. This was one of the rare days. It doesn't happen with me either