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Search results

  1. Sara

    How do people remember their dreams (strange events, places) when in fact their consciousnesses, ability to respond, are reduced in sleep

    I can dream and forget but there have been some dreams that look too real to be false that will always wake me up from sleep coupled with sweating and a fast heartbeat. Those dreams are what I don't forget easily because immediately I wake up, it's the first thing I remember.
  2. Sara

    Do you always offer a dark mode and a light mode?

    I prefer dark mode to light mode but I will always want the two options to be there. I have checked some websites that their light mode is far better than dark mode, the only option I have is to make use of the light mode.
  3. Sara

    Debate Once a cheater always a cheater?

    Cheating is a deal breaker for me. I don't like cheating and I won't be happy if my partner cheats on me. I found it so disrespectful and I can't continue with the person.
  4. Sara

    Do you like to walk around the supermarket for a long time even if you don't need to buy anything anymore?

    I always do this with my guy and I love it. The way we will be going around and looking at things is another feeling that I can't get over. I am the one that's always dragging my babe to go with me.
  5. Sara

    Do you buy things on impulse?

    I am disciplined to the core. I can't buy anything that's not on my list. I might see something I like and because it's not what I came to the market to do, I will hold myself and get others, the only thing I will do is to make sure I have that thing on my next list while coming to market.
  6. Sara

    what things do you always take with you when you go somewhere?

    Whenever I leave my house, I make sure that I am with my smartphone and some money. But if I am going to stay much time there, I will go with my bag where I put my charger, money and power bank and even brush in case i am sleeping off.
  7. Sara

    Movies Do you always sleep off watching movies at night?

    It has been so easy for me to be awake and finish any movies that I have the intention to watch. The only thing that can make me sleep off while watching movies are those movies that are not interesting or too boring.
  8. Sara

    Music If you could have dinner with any musician, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

    Since I was born and now I am getting old, I have always loved Michael Jackson. He's a king of Pop, I have always admired him and how he always sing. His handsomeness is another thing that made me to love him more.
  9. Sara

    Favourite streaming service?

    I don't have a favorite streaming app though I have Netflix and Amazon Prime, I feel that Netflix is better for me than Amazon Prime. I always love to download my movies or series to take my time and watch them the way I want. But I make use of Netflix sometimes.
  10. Sara

    Movies What is your favourite movie?

    I can love any movie I watched, re-watch them and even keep them to watch them again whenever I am bored but I don't have any favorite movie among the movies that I have come across.
  11. Sara

    Music What are you currently listening to?

    I am not listening to anything right now. It was in the morning that I was listening to Lewis - Loved Someone. It has been on repeat until I am tired of it.
  12. Sara

    How many hours do you spend on TikTok a week?

    The only moments or times I can have the opportunity to spend time on TikTok are always weekends because weekends are always my off days from work. I will make sure that have enough data and that I have a full battery, then I will go there and spend as much time as I have.
  13. Sara

    old is gold

    I remember that I saw all these pictures. Indeed, old is gold. This is taking me back to memory lane now.
  14. Sara

    What did I learn today? Who did I love? What made me laugh?

    I learned to not put my trust in anybody, don't expect too much from human beings. This has kept me going and I can say it's helping my growth. I love my family and friends. I am always happy even when the conditions are not good in that phase.
  15. Sara

    How did you get interested in your hobby?

    My hobby is reading, surfing the internet, watching movies and dancing. I love dancing that I can dance even when I am tired. I also love playing music too.
  16. Sara

    What's your favorite book and why did you love it?

    I am a very good reader. I have been reading since I was a kid and I haven't stopped till today. I know I can't remember their names but I have many favorite books that I kept in our library. I have soft copies of the ones I am reading right now.
  17. Sara

    What did you have for dinner today?

    I was about to have my dinner when I saw this message. I am going to take white rice and stew with many meats. I can't wait to download the food with chilled water.
  18. Sara

    How many hours do you spend on TikTok a week?

    I am a fan of Tiktok but I am not a content creator like those people dancing and doing all those comedies. Why was it banned over there?
  19. Sara

    Which food is you want to eat every day??

    I like every meal but chicken salad is what I will like to be eating every day. The more reason I love it is that it's very tasty and also a weight loss food. I don't need to worry if I am eating it all the time.
  20. Sara

    Favorite food

    My favourite meal for breakfast can be hot beverage like tea with cake or I can go with cornflakes or golden morn for the morning.