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  1. Spencer

    How Are You Feeling Today?

    Unfortunately, I am not feeling very strong at the moment because I couldn't even get enough sleep last night. I've been feeling dizzy since morning and I will most likely be going to see my doctor later in the day.
  2. Spencer

    What is the weather like today?

    The weather is currently very cold in my area because it has been raining for the past 5 hours. It is something that makes it very difficult for people to do anything whenever it's raining because it is always very heavy.
  3. Spencer

    Do you need a smartphone with a good camera?

    Honestly, I don't take a lot of pictures these days. It's why I don't fancy camera too much when buying a new smartphone. It's the last thing I check the specs.
  4. Spencer

    How often do you feed your pet?

    I feed my dogs whenever they are hungry and want to eat. They usually go to their feeder when they're hungry. If they do that, I'll feed them immediately.
  5. Spencer

    What is your level of education?

    I was able to finish my Bsc in Computer Engineering. It was a 4-year course in the university. I'm not going for Master's.
  6. Spencer

    Have you ever been bitten by a dog?

    I've been chased by dogs when I was a kid. I was scared to death. They were trying to play with me but I was thinking they're attacking me. I wasn't bitten though.
  7. Spencer

    Do you remember the mobile numbers of your loved ones and friends?

    It is only my mother's mobile number that I can remember. I can't even remember my own mobile number which is why I don't have the time to cram and remember another person's number. If I need to call anyone of because of emergency, it is going to be my mother.
  8. Spencer

    Have you ever invested in cryptocurrency?

    I invested in Bitcoin last year when it was at $30k price range. Now, I've made a good amount of profit with BTC now at $52k.
  9. Spencer

    If you could have a superpower

    I would like to have power over death. I can be able to wake up someone who's already dead by putting back life into him. It would be like me playing God.
  10. Spencer

    How many naps do you take in a day?

    How many naps I take in a day depends on how free I am. If I have so many work on my table, it will be hard to even take one nap. It's what I can't help.
  11. Spencer

    What's your favorite chat messenger?

    Facebook messenger and Discord is my favourite chat messenger. Most of my old friends are on Facebook messenger while my new friends from gaming are on Discord.
  12. Spencer

    Do you have a favorite colour?

    Black and gold is my favourite colour. I used to like sky blue but because it gets stains fast, I simply had to move on from it and start loving gold.
  13. Spencer


    TikTok is more fun and lively to use more than any other social media sites. It's only Instagram which came close a little but TikTok is miles ahead of them all.
  14. Spencer

    Apple Vision Pro

    I'm not thinking about buying this new VR headset of Apple. The only Apple product I'm intrigued to buy next is iPhone 16 Pro Max when it's launched in September 2024.
  15. Spencer

    What phone do you currently have?

    I'm using iPhone 13 Pro Max. I wasn't ready to upgrade to iPhone 15 Pro Max since it came out because I was waiting for iPhone 16. I'll but it when it launches in September.
  16. Spencer

    Do you like clear or designed phone cases?

    I don't mind if the case of my smartphone is clear or comes with a designed pattern, the very essence of using the case is to protect my phone. If it does the job, I'm good.
  17. Spencer

    iPhone 15

    The time is no longer right for me to buy iPhone 15 when iPhone 16 is scheduled to be released around September 2024. I'll wait for iPhone 16 Pro Max.
  18. Spencer

    How often do you change your toothbrush?

    Maybe every 3 weeks. I used to travel a lot. Whenever I'm travelling, I'll go with a new toothbrush. The one I use at home isn't kept for too long.
  19. Spencer

    Ever run away from home?

    I can't run away from home even if I was maltreated. Home will always be better than being outside with all the uncertainty out there.
  20. Spencer

    Would you do anything if you're going bald?

    I never gave myself the hair on my head, if it's time for them to leave me, I'll accept it wholeheartedly and adjust accordingly.