Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

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Search results

  1. P

    Have you ever been taken away by an ambulance because of an illness?

    Oh yes I have, when I was in high school. I got seriously injured when playing a game, first aid treatment was not enough so I had to be taken to the hospital with an ambulance.
  2. P

    Do you like shopping online or offline?

    It depends on the availability of the goods in question. If I can readily get them offline, I very much prefer to do so. But if they can mostly be found online, I hop online and shop.
  3. P


    Makes me remember the last occasion I went to, it was a wedding of a close friend of mine. It was a joyous occasion no doubt.
  4. P

    Do you like to invest the money you earned?

    I would have loved to invest, but the issue is that I'm not earning enough money to go by. That basically leaves nothing to save, which is sad. Maybe if I earn more, I will be able to save.
  5. P

    What's the first color that comes to mind when you think of nature?

    Green without a doubt! Plants and vegetations are green, so that is what the color represents.
  6. P

    When was the last time you travelled and where to?

    I have not really had the time to travel lately due to the nature of my work. The last time I traveled was last year, and it was for a wedding of a friend of mine in another city.
  7. P

    Do you make Reels?

    As a female, I have never considered the thought of making reels on social media appealing. I don't have interest in having a page to earn money in the first place, so I'm not interested in dancing and doing all sorts of things online.
  8. P

    How did you sleep last night?

    Basically the same way I sleep every night. Not much difference, but I woke up this morning feeling hungry.
  9. P

    Do you play tennis?

    I don't play tennis, but my brothers do. When I was younger I play a few times, but not anymore. Sometimes I watch tennis games on TV, especially the women ones.
  10. P

    Good day everyone, this is Pearl

    I'm new here, got introduced to this forum by a friend. I hope I like it here.
  11. P

    How did you earn your first dollar online?

    My first online dollars was acquired from a gig I completed on Fiverr some years ago. That was my first step towards making money online.