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  1. Ja sa bong

    DH Contests February 2024 Top Posters of the Month (WINNERS ANNOUNCED)

    Writing nearly 800 posts to win 1st is crazy. I never thought I'd write this much in any contest. I want better compensation @Stan lol. Congrats to all the winners.
  2. Ja sa bong

    DH Contests February 2024 Top Posters of the Month (WINNERS ANNOUNCED)

    It doesn't matter now anyways as I never got any response to this question until the count down elapsed.
  3. Ja sa bong

    Did you acquire any skills at your first job that helped you in the future?

    A lot of people whom have graduated from the universities without having any solid skills are currently unemployed which is the reason why those who are smart will devote more time in acquiring skills when they are still in the university so that when they graduate, they will have better...
  4. Ja sa bong

    Did you have a toy that you dreamed about as a child, but you never bought it?

    I know that there are some kids who are not fortunate to even get a single toys when they were growing up but I managed to get some of the toys that I wanted. As a result of that, I never put any much pressure on my parents because I was brought up well at a very young age to understand that...
  5. Ja sa bong

    Do you often drink carbonated drinks?

    Fortunately, I know how to prepare fresh juice on my own which is the reason why I devote more time in getting fresh fruits that I used to make my own juice. They are the kind of drinks that I enjoy taking whenever I am thirsty and don't want to drink water. As far as carbonated drinks are...
  6. Ja sa bong

    Do you prefer wireless headphones over wired ones?

    It is only when there is a connection problem with a wireless headset that you will be experiencing delays in using it to play your video games in terms of hearing any of the audio when you are playing. As far as the connection is stable, there is no problem with making use of wireless...
  7. Ja sa bong

    Do you find modern education useful?

    I would never say no to any knowledge on any subject even if it's something that I don't like because there is always a possibility of the knowledge on something that I felt wasn't needed in my life at that point will end up being something that I'm going to need the information to solve in the...
  8. Ja sa bong

    How do you resolve conflicts with people you live with?

    Before a group of people are selected to work as a conflict resolution team, they must have been recognized as people who are trustworthy and dependent when it comes to giving an unbiased opinion in solving dispute between parties. It's the reason why such group will be appreciated where it can...
  9. Ja sa bong

    Do you find it necessary to air the room before going to bed?

    I am very specific when it comes to living a comfortable life because the reason why I am working and making money is for me to give myself the best thing I can be able to afford. I don't see the reason why I will have money saved in a bank account and not use the money to give myself the things...
  10. Ja sa bong

    Which place of all the ones you traveled to left the most emotions?

    It is the reason why I cherish this memory so much because I know that a lot of kids out there are not fortunate to have this kind of experience with their parents. Thereby, it gave me an edge which some other kids we are not fortunate to have. I am always very happy whenever I think of my...
  11. Ja sa bong

    Have you started preparing for your retirement?

    Yes, when you're investing, the better to make all the necessary research to find out if it's what will pay in the end in order to avoid investing wrongly. Bad investing will destroy your financial plans which will ruin your retirement plans too. Saving money is not easy, it's why you have to...
  12. Ja sa bong

    Ever gotten back in a relationship with an ex?

    I would rather stay single for the rest of my life than get back to my ex girlfriend. It was a very toxic relationship which nearly have me killed literally. If I'm interested in getting into a new relationship, I'll put my eyes down to find a good woman who will make my life happy.
  13. Ja sa bong

    What is the best way for you to relax after a hard day's work?

    Yes, when you are watching movies, you are relaxing, watching and enjoying yourself. It is not like some people who enjoy playing video games as a means of relaxation. This is very different from sitting down to see a movie because when you are playing video games, you are actively involving...
  14. Ja sa bong

    What gifts do you give to your relatives?

    It depends on the type of clothes that you want to give to your relative that is going to determine if it's something that will not have any problem for that person to make use of it. There are some clothes which if you don't get the person's measurement very well, the person cannot be able to...
  15. Ja sa bong

    Would you be better off alone than in a company?

    There is a special bar where I normally go to drink especially during the weekend because I enjoy going to watch football at the bar. I have some fellow football fans who also come to the bar to watch football as well and we all communicate and discuss several things about football. It's how I...
  16. Ja sa bong

    Best countries to travel by car?

    If I have the money to pay for a flight ticket to where I want to travel to, it's what I would like to do because it's more convenient and comfortable than using bus. I don't like sitting down in a car for too long when I'm travelling, so bus is a no for me.
  17. Ja sa bong

    Is it easier for you to work when your desk and whole house is clean?

    It's like how I always make sure to take out my trash in the morning, I do this to make sure I don't leave anything in the house that's going to contaminate the fresh air in the house. Even though I make use of automatic spraying air freshers, I will never leave the trash in the house.
  18. Ja sa bong

    How soon after eating do you wash the dishes?

    I knew from experience that what she told me was true. This is because when you leave the dirty plates on the wishing sink, it's going to start smelling which will ruin the whole kitchen. Since then, I always make sure to wash my dishes when I'm done eating.
  19. Ja sa bong

    If you could see an alternate reality where life is like..

    Artificial intelligence have come to stay in our world. It's why most companies are doing everything possible to adopt using artificial intelligence. Human beings will get used to AI because It's not going away anytime soon. We have to just use it in a positive way.
  20. Ja sa bong

    What usually gives you nightmare when sleeping at night?

    I know that a lot of people are going through a lot in life which is the reason why they find it very difficult and challenging to get by on daily basis. If it is possible for me to assist those people in any way to make sure that they have things easy in their life, I will be willing to do so...