Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

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Search results

  1. Nancy

    How often do you admit you were wrong in an argument?

    I mostly realize late that I was wrong in the unnecessary argument and I should have avoided it.
  2. Nancy

    How many kids do you want?

    Sorry but I believe 5 Kids will be too much and maximum I will go is for 3 and ideally I want 2 kids, 1 boy and girl.
  3. Nancy

    How long do you charge your smartphone everyday?

    I charge my phone till it reaches 80℅ and everytime it's nearing 20% I put that on charge and this way you can keep it's battery in good health.
  4. Nancy

    Do you like working on the day or the night shifts

    I like to work in the morning shift and more comfortable working during the day so have never worked in a night shift.
  5. Nancy

    What is you favourite weather conditions?

    I like summers because I don't like wearing too many clothes as it doesn't allow me to work and move independently.
  6. Nancy

    What's your favorite chat messenger?

    I have tried most of the popular chat messengers and haven't seen any better than WhatsApp and they are always adding more things to keep us satisfied.
  7. Nancy

    Do you still lend money to anyone?

    Yes I do because I have an understanding friend circle and most of my coworkers are decent and they always return money on time.
  8. Nancy

    Do you prefer driving yourself or being driven

    Sorry about it. So how you manage to travel to job Or when you need to go outside to a doctor or friend or for any other reason?
  9. Nancy

    Do you like exchanging some ideas with others

    It's not bad to consult someone before doing something and this way you can save yourself from incurring unnecessary losses and troubles.
  10. Nancy

    Activities to do on Sundays.

    After partying all night I prefer to sleep till late on Sundays and like to stay in bed and have breakfast around 1 or 2 pm
  11. Nancy

    What's your favorite browser?

    I have tried most of the web browsers till now and haven't found any that comes even close to brave browser and it's like an upgraded version of Google chrome.
  12. Nancy

    Have you ever left a bad review about a company on the Internet?

    I have posted negative reviews about different e-commerce websites because of their unfair service and quality. And it's important so other users can avoid that product.
  13. Nancy

    Would you rather stay in or go out on a Friday night?

    I like to go outside and have fun with my friends on Friday nights because we live only once so I like to enjoy and do whatever I want.
  14. Nancy

    Being awake 24 hours without sleep till the next day?

    This has never happened to me and it would be hard on my body to stay awake for 24 hours.
  15. Nancy

    Happy Birthday Discussion Hub has reached 100 Members and 1,000 Threads!

    It's a great achievement and in no time we can expect even more members joining this website because it's being handled really well by the admin And staff.