Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

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  1. Kingpin

    General Chat Thread

    I won't say I'm enjoying Monday but there is no other option and I need to work on Monday after a wonderful and relaxed weekend.
  2. Kingpin

    How Are You Feeling Today?

    Feeling good after a relaxing Sunday and hoping to have a great Monday week starting from today. May God bless everyone that is reading my comment.
  3. Kingpin

    What time did you wake today?

    I woke up around 6 AM today and feeling good after the relaxing Sunday. Here's wishing a great Week and Monday for everyone that's reading this.
  4. Kingpin

    Movies Sitting down or lying down to watch movies?

    I like to sit and watch because I feel this way I can enjoy the movie and not miss even a second of entertainment.
  5. Kingpin

    Do you exercise every day?

    I plan to exercise daily at home but if I am not feeling well or busy with something most important then I skip exercise on that day.
  6. Kingpin

    What sports do you enjoy playing?

    I like to play football and also cricket and in school I used to play volleyball with my friends and it's one hell of a great way to feel energized.
  7. Kingpin

    Do you go to the gym?

    No because I don't have so much time and money to waste and like to exercise at home daily in the morning or evening.
  8. Kingpin

    What's the most dangerous sports?

    It should be wrestling, boxing or even Rugby or even American football because you can get badly injured if you are not careful and your opponent is evil minded.
  9. Kingpin

    Do you enjoy bowling?

    Yes I like bowling and used to go bowling every weekend during my school days but these days I am quite busy with my work.
  10. Kingpin

    Do you enjoy playing badminton?

    I won't lie and actually I don't enjoy badminton but I play with my sister because she likes badminton so much.
  11. Kingpin

    Which is your favorite type of exercise?

    I am a fan of brisk walking and running and also likes doing push-ups so I don't do gym and like to exercise at home.
  12. Kingpin

    What sport do you like watching the matches?

    I like football, hockey, volleyball, cricket and tennis and all these are so entertaining and I love the energy required to play these sports.
  13. Kingpin

    Is there a sport you dislike?

    I dislike Golf and still not sure how others are able to play or even watch it for hours. I feel either they have loads of patience or they just love this game so much to be able to keep playing for hours.
  14. Kingpin

    Ask away

    Hi Sweerie. What country are you from and what are your hobbies?
  15. Kingpin

    Flower here !

    You have a very lovely username and we all love and adore flowers.
  16. Kingpin

    KingP Is Here

    Hello family. KingP finally decided to be part of this amazing family and really liking the theme and how comfortable the environment of this website is.
  17. Kingpin

    Forum Games A-Z or female names

  18. Kingpin

    Forum Games A-Z male names

  19. Kingpin

    Forum Games Count to 1000!
