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  1. Ray

    Who creates art?

    No, I don't have any knowledge of how to create any kind of artisc work. I can't draw, paint or mold anything. Any art I have in my house are all bought.
  2. Ray

    Who performs music?

    The only musical instrument which I know how to play is a guitar. My father plays guitar very well. He was the one who taught me how to play.
  3. Ray

    If you could see an alternate reality where life is like..

    I don't believe in anything like alternate reality of life. We only live once and die here on earth. If you're dead, that's the end of it for you.
  4. Ray

    Home Improvement

    I'm not the type of person who is into decoration too much. I love a simple house with a mild decoration. I'd be exasperated if the decorations is too much.
  5. Ray

    Thoughts on piercings

    It's only navel piercing that I love. I was able to conceive my girlfriend to get one because I love it so much. If I could get one as a man, I wouldn't mind.
  6. Ray

    Do you like shopping online or offline?

    Yes, I love shopping online for most of the things I need but one thing which I wouldn't shop for online is my clothes. Vendors never send me what I ordered for.
  7. Ray

    Going back to roots

    Unfortunately, I would be able to survive if we go back to such roots. I wasn't born in those times, I wouldn't know how to do anything to get by in such time.
  8. Ray

    Can somebody be calm and mad at the same time?

    Personally, I don't think I can be calm and mad at the same time. I don't have such manipulative control over my emotions. If I'm mad, I'm mad and I'll show it.
  9. Ray

    What's the longest you've been ill?

    There are sometimes when I don't fall sick in a year. I might casually have headaches a day or two but that's just it.
  10. Ray

    What would you spend $1 million on if you win it?

    I'll invest everything in Real Estate. Real Estate is a gold mine for investment which will still be up for decades. Your great grand children will benefit from your investment in Real Estate today.
  11. Ray

    Last person you spoke to?

    I spoke to my friend from the university days today. He's telling me about his plans to travel to UK since it will give him better opportunity at life. I'm very happy for him with this new development.
  12. Ray

    What can instantly ruin a friendship?

    Lies and deceit can never work for me in a relationship or any kind of friendship. If I can't take your time word for something, there's no need for us to be friends.
  13. Ray

    What is the weather like today?

    The kind of storm we had today was very unbearable. It was so windy which made it very difficult for most people to leave their home. This year's Christmas is going to be something else.
  14. Ray

    What did you last eat/drink?

    I had fried turkey with fried rice. I cooked it myself and it was very tasty. I'm very good at cooking. I will be eating my fruit salad in a jiffy.
  15. Ray

    What kind of meals do you make?

    How do you like making your meal? Do you like making your food from the scratch or from frozen foods? What do you think about making a full-course meal? How often do you make a full-course meal?
  16. Ray

    What do you think about gum?

    Do you like chewing gum? Personally, I don't because it causes me to have headache when I chew on it. I know it helps to keep one's breath fresh but I can't put myself through a headache because I want to have a good breath from chewing gum. What are your thoughts on chewing gums?
  17. Ray

    What's your favorite cookies?

    Do you like eating cookies? We are in the season of Christmas which a lot of people now buy Christmas cookies. Do you have any favorite Christmas cookies which you love so much? My favourite have always been chocolate chip cookies. I also love oatmeal chocolate chip.
  18. Ray

    What do you do with your food leftovers?

    Most people usually have plenty of food leftovers when they are done cooking and eating. What do you normally do with your food leftovers? Do you cook more food that makes you have leftovers or you know the right measurements to cook so you don't have leftovers?
  19. Ray

    Do you prefer Homemade or Restaurant food?

    For me, it's going to be homemade food hands down. I don't like eating out unless I must. It's easier cooking my food to my taste than buying from restaurant. It's also way cheaper to cook than eat at restaurants. What do you like more?
  20. Ray

    How much should you spend on a first date?

    If you're going on a date with someone you're interested in starting a relationship with for the first time, how much do you look at spending on the date? Would you be the one to pay for the bill 100% or do you go with 50/50 split bill with the person?