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Have you ever tried a new hobby and didn't enjoy it?



Mar 28, 2024
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I've definitely had experiences of trying new hobbies that just didn't click for me. A few years ago, I decided to take up knitting after being inspired by some friends. But I quickly realized I lacked the patience and dexterity for it. The tedious stitch work and constant need to count rows really started grating on me. After several unfinished scarves, I admitted defeat. It taught me that no matter how trendy a hobby may seem, sometimes activities simply don't mesh with your natural interests and abilities. And that's perfectly okay!

Have you ever tried a new hobby and didn't enjoy it?
No, I don't think I have tried something new that I did not enjoy. More like I did not even attempt to try anything new in the first place. The few hobbies I have are enough for me, I don't think I will like to add any more thing to it.
Yes, I have tried skipping before, because I see most of my friends do it. But I ended up falling so many times! So I eventually lost interest in it, I can't have that kind of hobby, please.
I have tried a lot of things before, some ended well while some didn't really go as planned. Though I have never thought about getting a new hobby.
I try it all the time. I pick up something that I might find interesting, but as time goes on I see that it’s not worth it. Next please.
Yes, I have tried skipping before, because I see most of my friends do it. But I ended up falling so many times! So I eventually lost interest in it, I can't have that kind of hobby, please.
Oops sorry, I'm sorry to hear that. Hope you did not break your legs. Well it is good that you realized the hobby is not for you, time to look for others!
Yes, I tried painting since it was a childhood interest of mine. I had intended to create at least four or five paintings every month, but time constraints forced me to abandon the idea. I was unable to continue because of my family obligations and my normal offline employment. I've been enthralled with ceramics lately and intend to purchase a pottery wheel. Let me try to see if I can pull it off.
Too bad, painting would definitely have been fun, but the reason you lost interest is because of time constraints. Lets hope that time will not be an issue in your interest in ceramics as well.
This has happened to me multiple times. When I see someone enjoying something and when I am fascinated with what they were doing, I also tried for myself and I was utterly disappointed. For instance, I Ince tried learning keyboard as a hobby and I did not enjoy it, so I gave up just after a few weeks.
Yeah i wanted to learn to cook but I'm not good in it. Thats the conclusion i came into after trying for years 😂
I also tried different hobbies before I stick to what I like now. I tried rollerblading because a lot of my friends do it and I wanted to spend time with them, but I didn't like it and I told them about it.
I think that I have enough hobbies and I enjoy all. I started learning crochet from my younger daughter during lockdown in the pandemic. It didn't come easy to me , but I struggled and finished two small projects. I couldn't continue it later. Still I would like to try it more and get better with the practice.
Well I am trying to add book reading to my hobby LOL but I am yet to start so will see how it goes when I try
My day is not complete without reading. It's a ritual that I hardly ever break. I try to finish at least a dozen books in a year. This is one hobby that has become a daily routine for me.
Oh yes I have tried so many hobbies and I did not enjoy it especially bike racing and horse riding in my compound
I think that we need a slight modification here in the statement. Hobbies are something that we greatly enjoy. So, it's contradictory that there would be hobby that we didn't like. Better way to say it would be ... Did you try new things to develop into a hobby but didn't like if? Ir just came to my mind. One might differ here.
I used to be interested in skating. I tried it several times and at first I was interested, but over time I realized that it was very difficult for me physically and that's why I left it
Yeah i wanted to learn to cook but I'm not good in it. Thats the conclusion i came into after trying for years 😂
Hahaha how many years did you actually try? Cooking can be really fun though and it just takes some amount of practice.