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How does your hobby impact your mental/physical health?



Mar 28, 2024
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My one of the hobby like cycling has tremendously positive impacts on both my mental and physical well-being. From a physical standpoint, the regular cardio exercise boosts my endurance, strength, and overall fitness level. But the mental health benefits are just as valuable. Getting out on the open road allows me to clear my mind and escape daily stresses. The meditative experience puts me in a state of flow. After a vigorous ride, I return refreshed with a flooded sense of accomplishment and endorphins. It's the perfect natural antidepressant and way to stay balanced.

How does your hobby impact your mental/physical health?
It is well known that hobbies usually refreshes ones mind, especially after a stressful day at work or whatever I spent the day doing. That's why I try to do it regularly.
For me, my hobbies helps me stay calm and relaxed which in return helps me put in more effort in my work. It also makes me mentally stale.
My hobby is to play with the kids, and it has always helped me to relieve my stress. I usually play mobile games or watch a movie with them, which makes me feel better wherever I am stressed from work.
It usually relaxes me and makes me think about something I don't have time for during the day. I would compare it to going to a psychologist, but be alone and make your own decisions
It makes me feel happy and healthier when I am performing it because I was addicted to playing football and I used to play a lot because u keep enjoining it
My hobbies help me to keep my physical and mental health on check. I am always relieved after some practice, I also have a sound mind and overjoy face after taking time to do things I love much.